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Puff pastry Pesto Parmesan Christmas tree

Brittany Gharring

Come make a Pesto Parmesan Puff Pastry Christmas tree with clarke+amy joe🎄🌲🎄🌲

roll out•cut•fill•cut•twist•egg wash•season•bake @400° for 15ish min xoxo Brit

Those are absolutely the directions.

ROLL each pastry sheet once at room temperature

CUT using the entire length + both sheets at the same time

FILL pesto+parm, nutella, cookie butter, hummus cookiebutter or jam

CUT one inch horizontal lines leaving a stripe untouched in that center

TWIST right side clockwise two times left side counter clockwise twice as well

WASH with a whipped egg or splash of cream

SEASON with your favorite chunky seasoning salt

BAKE @400 for 15ish minutes until desired goldness

DIP in home made marinara lemon pesto or bitchin sauce

Most puff pastry is the exact timing at temp. High temp and quick ensuring the butter doesn't slowly melt out and your left with a greasy pastry.

This combo leaves you with that flakey crispy deliciousness like a croissant. 🥐

Here are the ingredients:


1 package puff pastry


Egg for washing

Chunky salt

ADD in a couple handfuls of super chopped spinach for more of a green stripe pesto cools to brown unfortunately orrrr if you are careful... stripe on a few ribbons of it after it's baked


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