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Brittany Gharring

325° covered 4 hours (1 hour per pound + 1 hour)

  •   1 large yellow onion thin sliced

  •   5 garlic cloves ( easy dorot cubes from trader joes)

  • 2-4 pinch salt+ pepper+ 1 packet taco seasoning

    (I used the Barbacoa by SPANGLISH ASADERO)

  • Seasoned Chuck Roast (3lbs)

  • 32 oz beef broth

Once it’s falling off the bone and looks ready..

shred + crisp up at  400° for 30 MIN

(this part is optional!)

Serve with fried cheese tortillas+ mashed avocado + cilantro + lime+myacoba beans

Sprinkle Mexican cheese into three little piles in a nonstick pan top each with a corn tortilla and flip once cheese is looking golden 👌🏼

Myacoba beans- pour half a bag in a pot with plenty of water and half an onion salt+pepper+ sprinkle of baking soda (non negotiable 🙅‍♀️💨)

Bring this to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer, partially covering them. These will need around 2 hours to fully cook, just check water levels after an hour and texture and if it needs more salt

LINKING all my favorite things to make this meal:

This cast iron pot from Great Jones

BUTCHER BOX meat subscription we LOOOOOVE their beef+ clean chicken nuggets and salmon and BACON

SALE: Jan 25 - Feb 10: New users that sign up for ButcherBox will receive 2 10oz NY Strips in every box for a year. Yay!

We just got this GIANT Boos board for Christmas and it’s the best thing ever.

We love these spices and how cute is the packaging!

Why use a salt pig when you can use these beautiful marble bowls for salt+spices


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